Indigenous Peoples Day: Resources

Many cities and states around the country are choosing to honor the resiliency and contributions of indigenous peoples to United States history in place of the legacy of Christopher Columbus. It is especially important for classrooms to allow space for this conversation in October and November, as the legacy of Columbus as well as the …

Strategy Lesson: New Learning

Getting kids excited about their learning is one of the greatest joys we teachers get to experience. Often, with all our other requirements, days can pass between moments of this palpable excitement. A lesson this week sharing two of Steph and Anne’s lessons from their Comprehension Toolkit rekindled that passion for learning. Here’s a brief …

When everything comes together…

Once in a while, you just have that moment, that lesson as a teacher that makes you so happy to be in the presence of insightful and caring students. Sometimes these moments fall early on the year, and change the tenor of a class; less frequently they might arrive at the end of the year, …